Our network of experts
gebrauchstext is based in Berlin and works with reliable professionals throughout Europe. This enables us to pool the skills of very different people, such as translators, copywriters, journalists, proofreaders and designers.
Our network of freelancers stretches all the way from northern Norway to Italy and from Porto to the Finnish city of Pori. All of them know how to express key ideas, render wordplays successfully and convey messages to your target audience.
But that’s not all. gebrauchstext – Multinational Text goes one step further by working with freelancers who have years of experience and cover a varied range of specialisms.
A straightforward translation is not enough to localise creative copy, such as advertising and public relations. If you choose gebrauchstext, you will benefit from the expertise of professionals who have either worked as copywriters in their native language or been staff translators at specialist agencies.
As our team covers a host of specialisms, we can also offer you all-inclusive text packages. To find out more or request a quotation, just contact us.